Securely manage cash deposits and help nonprofits at no cost to you.

Meet Our Social Impact Deposit Program™ 

Free Account

No account setup or transaction fees for your online Impact Deposits account.

Full Insurance

Full FDIC/NCUA insurance on all cash deposits up to $50MM (including $250K+)

Nationwide Impact

Support nonprofits and social projects, simply by placing your deposits in our program.

Activate The Power of Your Deposit

Create meaningful impact in the world, at no extra cost.

Activate The Power of Your Deposit

Create meaningful impact in the world, at no extra cost.

About Us

Impact is our Mission

Our mission is to empower you to change the world for the better simply by choosing our secure, socially responsible network with which to deposit your funds.

At Impact Deposits Corp., we’re committed to a future where your large cash deposits have a positive impact—while being fully insured and at no cost to you.

We invite you to see how our Social Impact Deposit Program™ is right for you.


Impact Deposits Corp. in Numbers

+ 0 years of experience in the market

First Cash Deposit Network in the US

Impact Deposits Corp created the first fully-insured cash deposit network more than 20 years ago.

$1B in funds managed, distributed and protected

Impact Deposits Corp. is trusted by financial institutions, municipalities and individual investors across the country.

Social Impact Deposit Program™

How does the Cash Deposit Impact Program work?

Because Impact Deposits Corp. utilizes a portion of its own profits from its national operations, the clients’ deposited funds remain untouched.

Social Impact Deposit Program™

How does the Cash Deposit Impact Program work?

Because Impact Deposits Corp. utilizes a portion of its own profits from its national operations, the clients’ deposited funds remain untouched.


A way to extend FDIC/NCUA Insurance over your deposits

With Impact Deposits Corp.’s Social Impact Deposit Program™ large depositors can prioritize the safety of their assets while also making a positive social and environmental impact. The program provides full FDIC/NCUA insurance coverage, beyond tradition limits.


Eligibility and Benefits

Our innovative model attracts institutions and depositors which aim to:

✓ Invest their own funds to maximize FDIC and/or NCUA security
✓ Receive competitive interest rates, next-day liquidity and no set up fees
✓ Create meaningful impact in the world, at no extra cost, by generating positive social outcomes through Impact Deposits Corp.'s direct community donations

Our depositors include:

✓ Institutional Investors
✓ B Companies
✓ Municipalities and Local Governments
✓ High-net-worth Individuals
✓ Family Offices
✓ Foundations, Nonprofits & Endowments
✓ Donor-advised fund sponsors
✓ Corporations
✓ Banks and CDFIs (as partners)

Impact Deposits Corp.'s history of doing good

Every year Impact Deposits Corp. publishes an Impact Report for Investors and Financial Institutions to learn and understand how their deposits are changing the World.

Learn more about our history of doing good

Every year Impact Deposits Corp .publishes an Impact Report for Investors and Financial Institutions to learn and understand how their deposits are changing the World.

Clients' Feedback and Reviews

Thanks to the contribution of Impact Deposits Corp, LARA (Latino Recovery Advocacy) has been able to contribute to the Latino community with different activities in Spanish such as training, education, dissemination and promotion on issues related to substance use, mental health and reduction of damage, to create awareness and knowledge and to break down historical barriers such as the stigma generated by addiction and mental health, which has hindered the advancement of the resources offered and the recovery itself. Also, donations from your organization have helped launch open support groups for all types of audiences and prevention campaigns.

Angel Lagares Latino Recovery Advocacy (LARA)

Yoga 4 Change has participated in the quarterly donation program with Impact Deposit Corp for just over one year. The Impact Deposits have been able to bring programs to individuals that would not have received our services otherwise. These funds have impacted the community by reducing stress and pain, and improving individuals’ mood, based on data collected through our program. Impact Deposit Corp is invested in the organizations they work with and are consistent across the board. Communication is open, fluent, and effective. Thank you to Impact Deposits Corps for your support of our mission to bring empowerment and positive change to vulnerable communities!

Alexandra Ramirez Yoga 4 Change

Thanks to Impact Deposits Corp quarterly donations, Equest has been able to improve lives through the benefits of therapeutic horsemanship, O.T./P.T., equine assisted learning, equine facilitated counseling, horse show competitions for equestrians with disabilities, and more. In addition our 35 therapy horses are well-cared for so they do their jobs to bring about hope and strengthening for the children, adults, and veterans we serve. And we can contribute to make sure that financial scholarships are provided to those who need it the most. Your gift mean that our clients are brimming with newly acquired confidence in what they can achieve and are learning how hard work and commitment can lead to amazing success in their lives.

Lili Kellogg Equest

With the generous quarterly donations from Impact Deposit Corp, ICU Baby has continued to provide the essential, emotional and financial support to NICU families that we have for years. This year, however, your donations took us one step further and also funded the creation of a new arm of programming – NICU Empowerment Support Tools – or NEST. Through this innovative program, ICU baby provides families with the informational support that they need to be informed and confident participants in their baby’s NICU care. In fact, NEST is such an important initiative that the Florida Department of Health just awarded ICU baby with additional funding to expand its reach in 2023.

Elizabeth Simonton ICU Baby


Frequently Asked Questions

Deposit insurance is one of the significant benefits of having an account at an FDIC-insured bank or NCUA-insured credit union — it is how the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the National Credit Union Administration protect your money in the event of an organization failure. The maximum amount insured is $250,000 per depositor, per insured bank/credit union, for each account ownership category. Impact Deposits Corp. empowers you to achieve full FDIC/NCUA insurance for the entirety of your cash assets, by allocating them throughout our cash deposit network of banks

Impact Deposits Corp. created the concept of socially responsible depositingTM, which empowers clients to make a positive impact on the world simply by using our Insured Cash Deposit services. We are the pioneer in the cash-deposit network industry, and our services continue to be uniquely effective.

As Impact Deposits Corp. utilizes a portion of its own profits from global operations, our clients' deposited funds remain untouched.

Now high-net-worth individuals, as well as a range of public and private institutions, can realize superior protection and competitive interest rates for large cash deposits. Funds deposited through Impact Deposits Corp.’s innovative network achieve full FDIC insurance beyond traditional $250,000 limits.

Through a single account, funds are liquid and secure, while giving depositors the access and convenience of a traditional FDIC-insured money-market account.

The non-profits we support fall into one of our four areas of impact, reflecting the actions we believe can bring about meaningful change in the world: educational impact, wellness and health impact, environmental impact and social impact.

All of our donations are unrestricted funds, because we believe nonprofits are the best judge of what kind of support they need. There are different kinds of donations.

  • One-time donation: A nonprofit can receive a single payment for a specific project through a one-time donation. To facilitate this, they provide us with a comprehensive report on the project, which we analyze before disbursing the amount without any ongoing commitment.
  • Recurring donation: Nonprofits that receive recurring donations on a quarterly basis benefit from a closer relationship with us. This payment structure enables the nonprofit to plan their budget more effectively while allowing us to engage more with their organization.
  • Fundraising event: Another way we support nonprofits is by organizing or participating in fundraising events. We have been part of several auctions, charity walks, galas, and other similar events.
  • Sponsorship: We sponsor select programs with specific initiatives and individuals who seek improvement but lack the necessary funds.

 Yes! We invite you to choose a nonprofit whose work you support to be part of our donation system. Reach out to us to learn how. All of the donations made to that nonprofit come from Impact Deposits’ own profits. There is never a cost to our clients.

Get in touch with our team through the chat or form below and become a part of the program today!

Contact Us


2103 Coral Way, Suite 202 Miami, Florida, 33145



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Office Location

2103 Coral Way, Suite 202
Miami, FL 3145

© 2023 IDC | All Rights Reserved | Created by Serafina Marketing

Institutional Investors

Municipalities & Local Governments

High Net Worth Individuals

Family Offices

Foundations, Nonprofits & Endowments

Donor Advised Fund Sponsors
